Not so. The company that make them misread my order and sent the regular inserts. I've reordered and been after them for about 2 months but haven't gotten any yet. Will ship as soon as I can.
V. WIVES BOOK: I have many orders on hand for this when it is reprinted but as it is being revised and improved it is a considerable task on top of every thing else as it has to be assembled, typed rough, edited and changed, retyped and proofed and then printed. I think it will be a very worthwhile volume when it is printed. It will be announced in TVia.
VI. PURCHASE OF BACK ISSUES: I repeat my offer of an allowance of $2 against any other items for the return of any old copies of Nos. 1, 2,4,6,7, or 8. I have newer subscribers that would like these old issues if you don't want them.
VI. MATERIAL AND PAYMENT FOR SAME: Again I would like to solicit the contribution of material in the form of stories, articles, comment, argument, letters to the Editor, poems, pics. etc. I have to have a good steady backlog of material on hand to keep on putting out the magazine. It doesn't always get either edited or printed right away for a variety of reasons, but if I'm to keep on getting the magaz- ine out I have to have the raw material. The offer of payment carried on the inside back cover holds, though due to the financial beating I took last year I am way behind on that phase of things, but have begun--with the oldest contributors of course, to pay up, so the compensation will be paid in due course to new and old alike. And speaking of mat- erial, please don't be afraid to take up my challenge about expressing yourself on anything you want to take issue with. If you do it briefly and to the point I can make a regular readers comment page. Longer things have to wait their turn to be edited, typed and inserted. So let fly. It is often said that I don't print opinions that differ from mine. That isn't so. Fortunately we are a sufficiently